Lectures in English: Galaxy Collisions, Twin Paradox (Newsletter Nr. 08/2018)
Newsletter der Volkssternwarte München
sternwarten-news at lists.sternwarte-muenchen.de
Mo Mär 5 13:01:25 CET 2018
Newsletter Nr. 08/2018 der Bayerischen Volkssternwarte München
Friday, 9 March 2018, from 8:00 p.m.
Location: Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h
*Galaxy Collisions*
/Allison W.S. Man (ESO)/
The Milky Way is bound for a head-on collision with our neighbour
galaxy, Andromeda. Galaxy collisions are common in the early Universe.
They are thought to build up the most massive galaxies, turn spiral
galaxies into elliptical ones, and trigger the strongest starburst and
most active black holes. The merger of two supermassive black holes in
two galaxies is also expected to emit gravitational waves, that will be
detectable with future space missions. How does this spectacular
phenomenon influence the life of galaxies? What can we learn by
observing colliding galaxies with the largest telescopes on earth?
Admission is:
*8,- Euro* normal price per person
*6,- Euro* reduced price
9,44 / 7,28 incl. fees for Online-Tickets
Members <http://www.sternwarte-muenchen.de/mitgliedschaft.html> of the
Volkssternwarte have free admission, but have to obtain a ticket as well.
More information is to be found at www.sternwarte-muenchen.de/vortraege.html
Bild: NASA/Hubblesite
Friday, 16 March 2018, from 8 p.m.:
Location: Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h
*The Twin Paradox and its resolution*
/Boris Lohner (Volkssternwarte München)/
Explanations of the twin paradox sometimes give the impression that
special relativity is defective and that this "defect" requires general
relativity to be "repaired" - or give the impression that time dilation
is not real but a mere effect of observation.
In this talk it is shown how the twin paradox can be resolved in a
consistent way while staying within special relativity. Three days
later, Boris Lohner shows the mathematical background to this talk in
our colloquium <http://www.sternwarte-muenchen.de/kolloquium.html>.
*8,- Euro* normal price per person
*6,- Euro* reduced price
9,44 / 7,28 incl. fees for Online-Tickets
Members <http://www.sternwarte-muenchen.de/mitgliedschaft.html> of the
Volkssternwarte have free admission, but have to obtain a ticket as well.
More information is to be found at www.sternwarte-muenchen.de/vortraege.html
Credit: Wikipedia/public domain
Monday, 19 March 2018, 7.30 p.m.
Location: Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h
*Making of "The Twin Paradox and its resolution"*
/Boris Lohner (Volkssternwarte München)/
A mathematical glimpse behind the scenes of the talk about the twin
paradox three days earlier: This colloquial talk will show how the idea
for the talk originated by chance while engaging with complex numbers
and their relatives, the "split complex numbers"
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-complex_number> and the "dual
numbers" <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_number>.
Admission is free.
More information is to be found at
Credit: NASA
**Freitag, 23.3.2018, **20 Uhr,* Vortrag:
***Frühlingssternhimmel* *
Newsletter der Bayerischen Volkssternwarte München e.V.
Rosenheimer Straße 145h
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E-Mail: info at sternwarte-muenchen.de
Internet: www.sternwarte-muenchen.de
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